How To Care For Your Engagement Ring

*This is part 1 of a 3-part series: You’re Engaged! Now What?

Congratulations on your engagement!

Now that you have that stunning diamond ring, let’s ensure it stays as radiant as the day you received it, shall we?

Here are our top 5 tips to keeping your diamond sparkling throughout her lifetime:

1. Prepare for the Unexpected

First thing’s first. Get that baby insured! Life is unpredictable and accidents happen. Ring insurance is a relatively small investment that will allow you to wear and cherish your diamond with confidence.

Insuring your ring ensures that you’re financially protected in case of loss, theft, or damage. If your jeweler doesn’t connect you with a reputable insurance provider automatically, don’t hesitate to ask them for a recommendation! Chances are, they’ve seen and heard it all and will steer you in the right direction. 

2. Clean It Yourself, As Needed

Refresh your diamond ring’s shimmer as needed with a simple yet effective homemade solution:

Step 1: Combine warm water with a few drops of mild dish soap or a splash of Windex. 

Step 2: Drop her in and allow your ring to soak for 20-30 minutes, letting the solution dissolve any built-up residue. 

Step 3: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub around any intricate details, paying special attention to the pavilion- the lower part of your diamond where oils often collect. 

Step 4: Rinse in lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Voila—your ring is back to shining like new!

Step 5: Store the solution in an airtight container for future use and make a fresh batch as needed.

3. Schedule Annual Check-Ups With Your Jeweler

Just like an annual check-up for your health, your ring benefits from a yearly inspection by a trusted jeweler. Jewelers can identify subtle issues or even the most slightly loose stone, ensuring diamonds are secure and settings are flawless before you start to notice any problems. 

An occasional professional cleaning will restore the original brilliance of your diamonds, preserving their beauty and longevity for generations.

Hot tip: If you recently received an engagement ring and still aren’t totally sure it’s the right fit, here’s our go-to test to find out. If your ring fails this test, talk to your jeweler ASAP about getting it resized.

4. Properly Store and Travel With Your Diamonds

Proper storage is key to preventing scratches and tangles. Invest in a jewelry box with individual compartments or soft fabric lining. There are also plenty of travel-sized options when you’re taking your jewelry with you on the go. 

If you don't have one, use soft pouches or a clean, dry cloth to wrap each piece individually. Diamonds are the hardest stones on earth so it’s probably no surprise that when in direct contact with metals and other stones, they’re capable of doing some damage. Storing them separately will ensure that each piece maintains its unique brilliance.

Hot tip: You’ll probably find that sometimes, it’s better to leave your ring at home or safely tucked away. When heading to the beach or off on an active trip, we’ll opt for wearing a spacer band in place of an engagement ring. 

Here are a few of our favorites:

5. Remove With Intention

While you might be tempted to wear your ring all the time, certain activities can be tough on jewelry. Remove it when engaging in activities like gardening, swimming, or working out. Chemicals in soil, chlorine, and heavy weights can impact your precious pieces. 

Many people will also opt to remove it when cleaning, showering, and sleeping. You decide what’s best for you and the lifetime of your stone. By being mindful of when you wear your jewelry, you'll protect them from unnecessary wear and tear, preserving their beauty for the long haul.

Your engagement ring deserves to shine and reflect the love invested in it. These simple care tips will ensure decades of wear, memories, and stories still to be written. Sign up to receive our bi-monthly newsletter here for more tips, guides, and early access to future sales and collection drops. Plus, $50 off your first order from the shop. Happy dreaming, love birds!